Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bla Bla Obama

So the peons have stopped celebrating the recent appointment of their chosen one - Barack Obama. Part of me feels sorry for them. Do they not realize that their situation is not likely to change with Obama in the White House? The real power in the government is not the President or the Senate but big business and the lobbyists. The President is just a puppet that is paraded out to make speeches that benefit big business and big money.

If you wanted to run for any office, one of the requirements that is needed is deep pockets. This money will come from supporters and big businesses who know you will push their mandate if you get elected. Big business does not like any new age radical thinkers but rather the old tried and true candidates that supports - big business. They support their own.

Black people seem to think that with Obama being a "brotha" things will change for them. Alas I fear nothing will change. Obama comes from a privileged background - see the above comment regarding the necessity of deep pockets when running for government. With these deep pockets and privileged existence comes a lack of understanding for the "common man" , an inability to relate to the family that relies on food stamps to live. Having money allows you to distance yourself from the vast sea of unwashed masses.

The situation in the US is grim with the two wars draining their coffers dry, the credit fiasco and corporate bailout all putting more strain on the current financial resources of Uncle Sam. These situations have not changed, and will not go away with the out pouring of "feel good" sentiments that are present after Obama was elected. Barack has a tough row to hoe - millions of his brotha's are expecting access to the promised land now - but the shuttle bus to the promised land currently is not accepting American money....

So say hello to the new boss - Barack Obama - same as the old boss

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